Module 7: Alternative Options To Picking Up A Book- Listing Our Favourites!

Sign up for the reading challenge so your kids can all in love with books just the way they should! Click here to join the waitlist for Phase 2!

And we reach Day 7 of the KSP Reading Challenge. How has the journey been for you, so far, parents? We would love to hear your feedback! 

For those of you are watching us talk about the Reading Challenge on our website and social handles, you get a chance to hop on to the waitlist for Phase 2 of the challenge. We will be rolling it out very soon! Click here to join us now! 

Here is a quick recap of all that we have seen in the 7 modules as a part of the KSP Reading Challenge:

Module 1: Understanding why some kids hate reading

Module 2: Benefits of reading with/to your kids 

Module 3: Evaluating your child's reading level 

Module 4: How many books should your child actually read? 

Module 5: Best book recommendations for kids 

Module 6: What should you do after your child finishes a book? 

Module 7: Alternative options to picking up a book

What do you get when you sign up for the KSP Reading Challenge? We tell you! 

  • 7 Modules that help you inch closer towards raising a reader. 
  • FREE 3-months digital access to RobinAge Children's Newspaper
  • Exciting offers from Storytel on the audiobooks of your choice (We will be sharing more about this with you in a short while- so stay tuned!)

Go ahead, and sign up for the reading challenge here.  If you are reading it, don't forget to share screenshots on social media tagging us at @kidsstoppress and @mansi.zaveri and use the hashtag #KSPReadingChallenge. 


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