Most Popular DIY Challenge On #KSPSummerFunFactory. Joined Yet?

8 whole weeks of #KSPSummerFun, which means you get 8 curated lists of books for your kids and crafts ideas and themes to play with- each handpicked, loved and recommended all for FREE.

KSP's Summer Fun Factory is what every parent would want to sign up as a gift for their child this summer!

 8 whole weeks of #KSPSummerFun, which means you get 8 curated lists of books for your kids and crafts ideas and themes to play with- each handpicked, loved and recommended all for FREE. 

Click here to know more about KSP's Summer Fun Factory and what you can do to be a part of this!

Here is the DIY challenge that moms and kids have signed up for and are having fun trying out this summer- have you signed up for this challenge yet? To know what other moms are discussing, join KSP Summer Fun Factory group NOW!

The challenge that most parents have signed up to try and have fun with the kids is the one titled "Sun, Moon & Stars Week".

1. DIY Phases Of Moon


The different phases of the moon is a topic that kids learn in school, but we thought it would be fun if you could teach them the different phases using these three interesting and super yummy ways!  Do you know the different phases that the moon appears in the sky? They are New Moon, Waxing Crescent, Waxing Half, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Waning Half and Waning Crescent.

These simple ways can be a lot of fun for the little ones to do along with you and they will actually learn something while they have fun!

2. Weather Chart


As adults we are so preoccupied with the weather that we use it to start conversations, we use it for small talk, and even as an excuse to get out of things on most days! So with the constantly changing face of the weather how do you explain the weather to kids? How do you explain to them why it is hot and sunny one day and dark and stormy the next? There is so much to talk to them about — the changing seasons, daily weather, why they can't go out to play when it is hot outside… and so much more!

3. Yarn Wrapped Sun Craft

Imagine being able to create your own sun! Sounds awesome, doesn't it? Simply take a round cutout of cardboard and clip some brown clothes picns around it like rays. Give your kids yellow yarn/wool and ask them to wrap it around to create rays! You can also add number fun to the activity by writing numbers on the clothespins and creating rays.

4. Star Stamping

Simply carve out a star shape on a potato for your little toddlers and let them have some stamping fun. You can use the stamped papers as handmade gift wrapping papers.

5. Phases of Moon Radio

Listen to this radio spot to know why the moon changes its look. Why isn't it round always? Is there something that is causing it to change every few days? If you have been asked these questions by your child then you need to get them to listen to this radio spot now!

6. Read Goodnight Moon

A classic book that never gets old! This book has so many layers and can create new topics for conversation with your child. 

7. Star Gazing

Step outside with your child on the terrace or a balcony and simply gaze at stars appreciating nature's creations. Help them understand why can't we see stars in the day.

8. Create an evening sky collage

Simply cut out star and moon shapes out of colourful papers and have your child create a beautiful night sky collage. Use glitter glue to outline the stars.

9.Sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars(Music & Movement) 

Bond with your child over this classic rhyme you can never go wrong with. 

10.Sparkly Playdough

This easy to make galaxy dough will help keep your child playing for a while. It's soft and sparkly. Add additional stars and moons to make the most out of it. galaxy dough is absolute fun to play with.

11. Radio: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder What You Really Are!

Twinkle twinkle little star is something we have all grown up with, but ever wondered what a star really is? We tell you!

Here's how you can be a part of KSP Summer Fun Factory:

  • Make sure you sign up to be a part of the #KSPSummerFun (Click here to sign up now!)
  • You can choose the suitable reading challenges according to your child's interest and age. 
  • Make sure you complete your selected challenge and you can also let us know how your kids enjoyed the challenge.
  • Share pics and reviews (your child can pen them!) of your child's favourite books from the challenge and win prizes! We will also be sharing book reviews by the kids with their names on and our social pages like Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. So feel free to send it to us on

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