My Diwali Looks Different From Mom’s This Year, And That’s Why It Spells F-U-N!

To avoid turning into a “halvai” – toiling away in the kitchen making complicated Diwali mithais, I have planned a potluck meal and a small get-together with my close family on this occasion. Images source:tumblr.com5.I plan to spend quality time with my husband, we plan to meet our school friends and after a long time all of us are going to watch the movie of the year together, especially with all the controversy giving it extra publicity. Most importantly on the day of Diwali, I am going to avoid looking dishevelled and tired because I worked through the day.

The grand festival of Diwali  begins tomorrow but somehow unlike previous years, I am not feeling the burden of Diwali preparations this year. Since childhood, I've seen my mom and naani go on a major house cleaning spree and spend endless hours in the kitchen making sweets for Diwali. Once Diwali comes and goes, I have also heard them sigh with relief that all the back breaking work was finally over. To be honest, I am guilty of following the same routine. To make sure my daughter enjoys and knows about the festival, I have repeated traditions and put in the same amount of back breaking work to celebrate the festival of lights! But all that has left me with no enthusiasm to enjoy the festival on the actual day! Well, this Diwali, things are going to be different. Here is how!

1. I am going to relax and repeat this word to anyone who thinks that I am not doing any preparations for Diwali this year!

Image source: Pinterest

2. To avoid turning into a "halvai" – toiling away in the kitchen making complicated Diwali mithais, I have planned a potluck meal and a small get-together with my close family on this occasion.

Image source: Indian

3. One way my Diwali preps is going to differ from last year, is I am not going overboard scrubbing my house for Lakshmi Puja. Remember there is still no proof that Goddess Lakshmi maintains a housekeeping log!

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4. Although this was a bit difficult for a shopaholic like me, I did not fall for the Diwali Sale mania to spend long hours at the shopping mall looking for gifts for the sake of gifting.


5. I plan to spend quality time with my husband, we plan to meet our school friends and after a long time all of us are going  to watch the movie of the year together, especially with all the controversy giving it extra publicity. 

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6. Most importantly on the day of Diwali, I am  going to avoid looking dishevelled and tired because I worked through the day. I am instead going to wrap things up early, keep enough time to get myself and the kids ready for the celebrations, and dazzle in the numerous selfies that will follow.

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