ORDER Now! 3 Books Every Parent Will Love & Needs

Gift a parent something they’ll always look back on. Here is the best gift any parent could have! Order now!

This year let’s give priority to family time and gift a fellow parent something they will love. The joy you see on a person’s face when you get them something they love is priceless.

Whenever there’s any occasion, I’m sure everyone has a whole gift list ready. While it is easy to get the best gifts for the little ones, gifts for adults can be difficult to think of. Just the same old options every year.

If You Could Gift Parents Something Else… Would You?

If you could gift them something that makes them laugh?

Something that assures them to feel good about what they are doing as a parent?

A gift that lets them ponder on the amazing journey that they are on?

Wouldn’t this make such a great gift? Something NEW? Something DIFFERENT?

This KSP 3-in1 Book Combo Is Exactly That!

You loved our humour quotes, our affirmations and our quotes on parenting so much, it was overwhelming! And so, to bring you that joy outside the phone screen and into your very hands- we’ve turned them into books!

Laugh Out Loud With 110 Parenting Quotes

All the humour quotes that you love and wait for at the start of the day will now be in your very hands. To read anywhere, anytime. Feeling a little down? Pick up this book. Feeling stressed and need to let off some steam? Pick up this book. Confused about what to gift a fellow parent? Pick up this book. They are gonna love it! The best coffee table book if you wish to break the ice and start a fun conversation. Remind yourself of the funny side of parenting when the going gets tough…

Don’t you wish sometimes to just have something that can lift all your worries in seconds?

101 Positive Parenting Affirmations

Parenting, as we all know is a roller coaster ride full of ups and downs and rights and lefts and leaves us with a “what just happened?” In times like these, when everything seems to be going out of hand, you tend to doubt yourself and doubt your skills. In times like these, more than advice you just need a nudge- that it’s okay that sometimes things are not okay… This book is that nudge that you, me and every parent needs.

When you feel like a mess, don’t you want something that makes you realise that a mess can be beautiful too?

For The Imperfect Parent – 111 Perfect Parenting Quotes

There’s no right and no wrong in parenting. The only way to ace it is when “you do you”. Sometimes, however, we are so focused on getting everything perfect that we forget that these moments that are passing by are memories too. These small kiddos that annoy us to our every last bit, will one day grow up and lead their own lives. This is not a book that tells you how to parent but rather takes you on a nostalgic journey, making you fall back on all these precious moments.

Don’t you wish someone reminded you that parenting is a journey you must enjoy too?

You can gift this to yourself and to a fellow parent. You can gift one, two or all three books! This is such an amazing keeps-sake and a book to always remind you that you are doing the most wonderful job in the world- being a parent.

Order all 3 books together & get a discount – all for just Rs 999/-

Gift a parent something they’ll cherish forever! Gift yourself something you will cherish forever!

You can also buy them on Amazon.
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