Review Salt Escape: Natural Relief From Most Respiratory And Skin Conditions

A one of its kind salt spa in Mumbai, that offers a completely natural and drug free therapy to relieve the symptoms of many respiratory and skin conditions. The premise is that 1 hour of being in a salt therapy room equals up to 4 days spent at the beach in terms of salt intake. Salt Therapy will help those who suffer from common respiratory and skin conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, frequent cough and cold, and eczema among others. While Salt Escape is the only salt therapy spa in Mumbai, this is the latest in hospitality trends around the world. Address:Salt Escape, Hanuman Building, Ground Floor,300, Perin Nariman Street, Left from the Hermes store, Behind Reserve Bank of India, Fort, Mumbai 400 001.

Is your child a victim of rising pollution levels in your city? Words like asthma, coughs, colds, allergies being discussed frequently in your home? For my children, I needed an alternative to tedious courses of antibiotics and decided to try something new. With frequent changes in weather, parents like me have our challenges to face with every season and its share of colds, skin and respiratory ailments.

Kidsstoppress shares the first and exclusive review of Salt Escape. A one of its kind salt spa in Mumbai, that offers a completely natural and drug free therapy to relieve the symptoms of many respiratory and skin conditions.  Salt therapy? Sounds awfully suspicious! Do they feed you salty drinks or do you have to rub salt packs on yourself? I was sceptical. But my visit to Salt Escape showed me what it was all about.

What Is Salt Escape?
Salt Escape is a spa with tastefully designed rooms by Neterwala-Aibara interior architects. With soft music that will make you think of the ocean, and the calm, cool, softly lit rooms that will immediately transport you into a holiday mood. There is salt everywhere! Salt on the floors, salt on the walls and all this aids in the treatment. The premise is that 1 hour of being in a salt therapy room equals up to 4 days spent at the beach in terms of salt intake. According to the Founder Lyla Mehta, Salt Escape Spa was  started to provide visitors to breath, feel and add life to their routine days. It is even touted as the next cool hangout in Mumbai!

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What is Salt Therapy and how does it work?

Salt therapy is basically breathing in salty air for therapeutic reasons. A completely non invasive and drug free therapy that many countries across the world are now using. Their customizable treatments are based on a customer’s ailment. Once you discuss it with your therapist, the machines are fed with that information and baked salt is released into the room.

What Does Salt Therapy Treat?

Salt Therapy will help those who suffer from common respiratory and skin conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, frequent cough and cold, and eczema among others. Inhaling salt particles also boosts your immunity.


The Special Children’s Room
We absolutely love their unique concept room for children which has colourful tables, lots of toys, puzzles, books and even a television to keep kids entertained and occupied and not even realise they are being treated! All they need to do is play and breathe normally and we can see salt therapy work its magic on their system. Studies have shown that it is completely safe even for babies as young as 6 months. Worried about leaving your child alone in a room? No worries! Every child under 7 needs to have an accompanying adult in the room (free of cost).


How much does it cost ?
Each salt therapy session lasts an hour.

You only pay Rs. 1600 per session or book multiple sessions in advance for a discount. You can even enjoy a spa day with friends by booking a group room that can accommodate 7 people for Rs. 8000.

While Salt Escape is the only salt therapy spa in Mumbai, this is the latest in hospitality trends around the world. Salt rooms have mushroomed in quite a few cities in India like Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, and Kochi.

Address:Salt Escape, Hanuman Building, Ground Floor,300, Perin Nariman Street, Left from the Hermes store, Behind Reserve Bank of India, Fort, Mumbai 400 001.

Contact:  22690034 /35.


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