Sunday Motivation: Serena Williams Shows How To ‘Ace’ It Like A Mom!

She didn’t return to greatness despite becoming a mother, she’s great because she plays #LikeAMother. Watch the post-match interview where Serena Williams, the supermom broke down and dedicates her journey to all the moms out there.

The world is applauding the superstar of Tennis- Serena Williams for proving exactly, why she IS a true legend. Fighting for her Wimbledon title, just 10 months after the birth of her daughter- Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr., Serena Williams showed the world why mommyhood is anything but an obstacle to pursue one’s dreams and resume one’s career. 

Serena Williams who played and won the Australian Open in 2017 when she was 2 months pregnant- didn’t play since then and after her daughter was born in September last year, she even suffered complications from her C-section and a pulmonary embolism. To bounce back from something like that, train like there is no tomorrow and to reach the finals of the Wimbledon is something that happens only in fairy tales- and today Serena Williams proved that fairy tales do come true! 

Gatorade even came up with a tweet dedicated to Serena that said “she didn’t return to greatness despite being a mother- but because she played” True words!

Watch the post-match interview where the supermom broke down and dedicates her journey to all the moms out there. We are not crying, you are crying!


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