The first thought when I heard Hrithik Roshan & Suzanne’s separation!

The other thoughts that followed were hope it didn’t get too nasty in front of the kids, thank god Suzanne is independent and will continue to have her own identity and has a career to fall back on.

HrithikRoshan with wife suzanne roshan and family

What! Yup that was my reaction too when I first heard the news and yes when I hear any piece of news these days it first goes into the mommy department of my brain processes it as a mom and then as a woman. Separations anywhere be it with us or with celebs are extremely painful and the first thought that crossed my mind was what about the kids?

I am sure it must be extremely difficult even for the parents to decide whether they want to call it quits or not if you have children. I know a lot of parents who hang in there only for their kids and again no judging them please! We can all have opinions but its very different to stand on the other side and decide. There is no right or wrong answer. Its a choice you make basis the circumstances you are going through.

The other thoughts that followed were hope it didn’t get too nasty in front of the kids, thank god Suzanne is independent and will continue to have her own identity and has a career to fall back on.

Here is hoping that it’s not too tough on the kids!

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