Things to do with kids on a rainy monsoon day in Mumbai

On a day like this by Brinda Khandwala of The Story BoxMumbai is giving us a chance to slow down and smell the rains And the rains are actually going all out to keep you at home, doing nothing. Bring out the paints, the old photos and scrap books, the videos, puzzles and blocks. After the background paint is done, leave the bat to dry under a fan. Make simple things in the kitchen like cheese n chutney sandwiches, butter corn, mashed potato, a salad and yogurt dip for chips and hot chocolate. Today is the day you teach him Uno, carom, snakes n ladders, ludo, chess or scrabble (if hes up for a challenge) or just plain, simple playing cards. Try these links know the last one isnt in English, but language wont be a barrier here it is still very entertaining.

Thimgs to do on a rainy day in Mumbai

On a day like this by Brinda Khandwala of The Story Box

Mumbai is giving us a chance to slow down and smell the rains… And the rains are actually going all out to keep you at home, doing nothing. So make the most of it.

Bring out the paints, the old photos and scrap books, the videos, puzzles and blocks.

My 5 year old and I decided to paint his old wooden bat. He wanted a cheetah’s face on it. So first we googled ‘how to draw a cheetah step by step’. You’ve got to love Google; it has just about everything and it has options. Then we picked up some acrylic paints from Hobby Ideas. Put together some brushes, black marker pen, old rags and a plastic mat. We’re ready to start.

I let him paint the background. He picked a warm yellow and with a thick flat brush he made big strokes. I helped by filling the undone spaces. If you plan to do this, keep in mind that it an activity which will spread over the day. After the background paint is done, leave the bat to dry under a fan. We made it stand in a jar with some support on the side so it could dry all over.

Come back to it in the evening (or tomorrow, MET Dept. says we’re going to ‘enjoy’ this weather for 72 hours since Tuesday). With a dark pencil, I drew the cheetah as instructed on Google. If your child can handle a brush well, allow him to paint in the face, else you do it. Once done, as your child to make the spots, on the face and randomly on the rest of the bat. He can do with his little finger and some paint. This dries quickly under the fan. In an hour or more, start the outlining and highlighting with the black marker. This is all simpler than it sounds, so get to it because the results are just awesome.

Meanwhile (or the while that you wait for things to dry), make time for the near ones today. Visit the grandparents if they live close by. Plan a play date with building friends (the mums in the building will bless you)! Get your child to help you prepare for it. Make simple things in the kitchen like cheese ‘n’ chutney sandwiches, butter corn, mashed potato, a salad and yogurt dip for chips and hot chocolate. Gather the kids and food on a mat in the living room. Put in a video for the kids to watch. And you mums can enjoy a tea party in the adjoining room.  

If you like it quiet, then try some classic indoor games of our times. Today is the day you teach him Uno, carom, snakes ‘n’ ladders, ludo, chess or scrabble (if he’s up for a challenge) or just plain, simple playing cards.

I also have a 2 year old. She isn’t the kind to sit and paint nor can I let her loose in my kitchen. For her I have books, blocks and puzzles. I have some lovely youtube links to share for toddlers. Don’t fight iPads and youtube. This generation is exposed to it all already, you rather develop them to use it as a tool to learn more rather than restrict is completely. Try these links…

I know the last one isn’t in English, but language won’t be a barrier here – it is still very entertaining.

Yet, I’m certain she will be bored by midday. Today, I’m going to take her paddle pool up on the terrace and let it fill with rainwater. Later by afternoon, I will add in couple of buckets of hot water to that. Put by daughter in her beachwear and take her up with some rubber duckies and squirt toys. I’m hoping to get an hour at least when the rains take a slight break from the heavy downpour. I suggest, keep everything ready and grab the chance once you get it.

Indulge her in some nailpolish and hair braids. Let her play dressing up with all the hairclips, bead necklaces, bangles, hats and accessories. Give her a little purse and let her parade around the house. She will love to pose for the camera after this.

If the MET Dept is right with their predictions, I’d spread this all out ‘cause we have two more days of this to go! If you would like to contribute to Kidsstoppress do send us an email on or connect with us on Facebook here , Twitter here and Pinterest here. 


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