This Dad Wonders If He Is Fit, Fat, Or Simply Has A Dad-Bod!

Its a body type found across all over the world, generally found on males over the age of 30, usually someone who has fathered at least one child.

When I was growing up, I was always considered ‘fat’. It’s probably not polite to say it now, but back then there was no place for me to hide, both literally and figuratively. Until I was about 15 years old, I was plain ‘big’. I played a lot of sport, and I was very active despite my weight, so when I started getting taller, the inches dropped quickly. By adulthood, I had shed enough weight to be considered ‘normal’.

Recently, I heard the term ‘Dad bod’. It’s a body type found across all over the world, generally found on males over the age of 30, usually someone who has fathered at least one child. It is a soft, comfortable body that might have been lean at some point but now feels no need to hold that shape anymore. Even Leonardo DiCaprio is apparently sporting the look these days. During the time I was growing up, it would probably be called ’normal’ too or even fit by some standards.

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