This One Thing Will Get Your Children To Listen To You Better

From all our personal experiences and from talking to parenting experts, one thing is certain. Yelling at them, for every small issue isn’t going to help. So what will? Find out.
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What is often our biggest complaint as a parent? “My child never listens to me!”- Doesn’t this top the charts?

But have we wondered why? What is it about what we tell them, that makes them repel us or our instructions?

Charulata C, contributor at KSP and children’s book author had written on Kidsstoppress on what she learnt from the famous parenting book, “How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk”.

“After reading a couple of chapters, I realized that there are definitely better ways to handle various situations with my children. The book helped me notice what I was doing wrong, in order to get the kids to listen to me – Blackmailing, Bribing, Accusing, Lecturing, Threatening, they were all part of my armoury. And, contrary to what I thought, these methods never truly solved anything.  Instead, they led to negative feelings such as unworthiness, resentment, boredom etc., in the child.”

Read the complete article below where she shared some handy and practical tips that worked for her and that she recommends to fellow moms.

From all our personal experiences and from talking to parenting experts, one thing is certain. Yelling at them, for every small issue isn’t going to help. As parents, we must learn to pick and choose our battles (not the perfect word but I will go with the popular phrase!) when conversing with our children.

Mansi Zaveri, founder of Kidsstoppress spoke to Prabhu Shubha Vilas, a TEDx speaker, lifestyle coach, storyteller and author on parenting, communication & how to be a better parent than you are.

Watch the below video (specifically from the 12.30th minute) to know what Prabhu Shubha Vilas recommends so our children would hear us out better. “Learn to connect before you communicate” he recommends, and I can’t agree more. Maybe that is the biggest loophole we tend to ignore when raising our kids to the perfect image that we have envisioned for them.

Go ahead and watch the video and share it with a fellow parent to help them out in their journey.

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