Tips To Get Your Kids To Read More Indian Author Books

Go ahead, sign up for KSP Book Club to receive weekly reccos on your inbox every Saturday. That’s not all- we have some fab book reccos (age wise lists, mythology specials, etc) for kids on our Summer Fun Factory.
how to raise a reader ksp book club

This is a very common scenario in most homes- ask your children to name 3-4 favourite characters from the books they have read. Enid Blyton’s George and Roald Dahl’s Charlie are sure to top the list. But what about Indian author books? Books that are deep-rooted in Indian culture and traditions? Are we missing them out in our voyage to turn all global? 

We started KSP Book Club with a mission to simplify the modern-day parent’s life of scrolling through endless recommendations and reviews to buy the best book for their kids. Here’s what’s special on our book reccos:

  • One for all the ages: This one is a no-compromise at KSP. We are moms with kids from 6 months to 12 years. So we really do know what young minds like. 
  • Why just best-sellers? Sometimes it is all about the hidden gems that need more noise and reviews to make it big. We unearthed some of our favourites from this category:
  • Glocal is the way to go! We love it when our kids scour through the Enid Blytons, Roald Dahls, Oliver Jeffers & JK Rowlings. But we also ensure we throw in a mix of the Sudha Murtys, Ashok Rajagopalans and Lavanya Karthiks to help them relate to things back home too! 
  • Mythology is a must! Fiction, fantasy and sci-fi are great. But we also ensure we get our kids books on Indian mythology to help them understand why we do, what we do! It’s August- and the festivals are all lined up one after another- you will need the books as a saviour- we tell you! 
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