Tisca Chopra On The Right Way To Talk To Your Kids

Tisca Chopra explains how we need to approach specific conversations with children, and how not to sound preachy. We need to speak from a place of empathy, she says, and we can’t agree more.

Do you know how they say things like 30s are the new 20s and 40s are the new 30s? Never been a big believer of such vague and patronizing statements but if there is one thing I can coin- it is going to be 8-year-olds are the new tweens and 11-year-olds are the new teens! 

As a mom of an 8-year-old, who I continue to see as a “small child”, I often realise how that is wrong. From long conversations that we used to have (which she loved by the way), we are now in a state where she prefers brief and to the point. They are forgetful but that doesn’t mean we get to remind them repeatedly about it! Ya, there are many new rules that you need to remember if you are a parent in today’s times!

We are reminded of our casual and fun conversation with actor and author Tisca Chopra where we spoke about a number of things while raising young children– the conversations we need to have with them, how to speak about certain things and how NOT to speak certain things! 

One of the standpoints we could relate best was how to not to sound too preachy and pedantic when talking to children. The minute something sounds long and boring- they cut us short saying it is too much “gyaan”! I can see you nodding along! (P.S- On that note- is Childsplaining a legit and trending term already? If not, it should be! )

Tisca explains how we need to approach specific conversations with children, and how not to sound preachy. We need to speak from a place of empathy, she says, and we can’t agree more. Watch her reply to this question in the below video (at 15.06).

She also speaks to us on:

Go ahead and watch the video here. Also do check out our all-new Young Adults section- with tips, tricks, useful reads for parents and fast-growing tweens and teens! 


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