Understanding kids tantrums

Tantrums are always coordinated actions and are often done in sync like “Screaming and yelling and kicking often go together,” “Throwing things and pulling and pushing things tend to go together. Dealing with Tantrums has been explained well by Child psychologist Chandini Mehta in our previous post Dealing with TantrumsTip#1: Give your child attention when he demands. We know its difficult but its either tantrum or attentionTip#2: Choose and pick your battles: I always tell this to all my friends and yet again I am repeating it.

If they told you it was the terrible two’s or three’s then they were wrong, its an ongoing process until a strong communication bond has been established. If you are tired of the shouting, kicking, screaming, whining, throwing, pushing and need to take time out yourself then do that.

There is always  a pattern on how the tantrums begin, how you you deal with it, what results does the child expect and what you end up giving into. Experts & Studies reveal that tantrums are a complex mixture of a bagful of emotions, including sadness and anger. Tantrums are always coordinated actions and are often done in sync like “Screaming and yelling and kicking often go together,” “Throwing things and pulling and pushing things tend to go together. Combinations of crying, whining, falling to the floor and seeking comfort – these also hang together.”

Throwing tantrums is an attention seeking behaviour and an anger trap for parents. Do not fall into it. Avoid the situation or divert the mind. If you are trying to deal with a tantrum at its peak which is anger then you are being ambitious. Not the best tim eto reason so choose and pick your battles.

Dealing with Tantrums has been explained well by Child psychologist Chandini Mehta in our previous post Dealing with Tantrums

Tip#1: Give your child attention when he demands. We know its difficult but its either tantrum or attention

Tip#2: Choose and pick your battles: I always tell this to all my friends and yet again I am repeating it. Imagine if you were told no for everything! Doesn’t feel good right. Children feel the same. Appreciate & encourage them to provide solutions and ideas and give into some battles

Tip#3: Get your timing right. Know when you will be able to get away with it and when not. If you want to try discipline when you are out for dinner, on a holiday or when he is really tired then its a lost battle.

Tip#4: Be consistent.

Tip#5: Only one person can drive the car: There has to be only one person dealing with the tantrum and discipline . The others need to back off when the driver is in the lead.

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