Use These 7 Steps Backed By Science (And Eminent Indians) To Raise Your Children To Be Successful

Now scientific research has literally listed the things that we as parents need to do with our children to make sure they successfully shape their careers and their future. Professors from the University of California did a survey that revealed that expectations parents have of their children is directly proportional to the level of their attainment. Children in high-conflict families, whether intact or divorced, tend to fare worse than children of parents that get along, according to a University of Illinois study review. Effort vs ResultsAs kids in Indian households- we are taught scriptures and moral stories from Bhagawad Gita as part of the stories grandma used to tell us every night. Based on one of the earlier studies of University of California an authoritarian parent tries to shape and control the child based on a set standard of conduct, whereas the authoritative parent tries to direct the child rationally.

It is a fact. Every parent hopes their child will be the next Bill Gates or Ambani. Everyone knows success requires hard work and determination, but there are other factors too. Now scientific research has literally listed the things that we as parents need to do with our children to make sure they successfully shape their careers and their future. There is a success mantra and these are the tips you will need to raise your children.

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1. Getting kids to do their chores

As kids remember how mom insisted on helping her out around the house? Deepika Padukone’s dad thought the same way. At a recent awards show, Deepika read out these words her dad had written to her, “When you are home visiting us, Deepika, you make your own bed, clear the table after meals, and sleep on the floor if there are guests at home.” It is analysed that when kids learn to help around the house with their daily chores- they learn invaluable lessons such as responsibility and independence – lessons that are proven to help build their career in the future.

2. Honing social skills

Summer vacations for Indian parents would always mean packing the bags and heading off to grandparents house! It would mean meeting cousins and relatives and making memories year after year. The concept of joint family and living under one roof was always insisted upon in Indian tradition and recent researchers from Pennsylvania State University and Duke University agree with it. Their study has revealed the importance of developing a child’s social skills at the tender age to ensure a bright and secure future.

3. Setting high expectations

Remember how Evelyn Harper from “Two and a Half Men” would insist setting the expectations high for the child and Alan Harper would disagree? Looks like Evelyn was right- just like most Indian families. Professors from the University of California did a survey that revealed that expectations parents have of their children is directly proportional to the level of their attainment. Star player Saina Nehwal echoes this thought, “Once you are satisfied with your goal, it is the real happiness” says the former World no.1 Badminton Player. Encouraging your kids and letting them know that you expect higher from them will help your kids revisit their goals and their plan of action.

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4. Ensuring a happy home

It is a well known fact that children thrive in happy homes. Children in high-conflict families, whether intact or divorced, tend to fare worse than children of parents that get along, according to a University of Illinois study review. Remember, a happy home will ensure you have a happy child.

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5. Stressed? No.

Parenting, as accepted is an arduous task. But what is more challenging is to not let that stress show up on you or your spouse. It has been proven that when parents who are stressed because of other reasons, raise their child- the “stress” can be infectious and pass on to the young one as well. Make sure as a mother, you provide a happy home and a cheerful shoulder to lean on for your kids- which will help them build a better tomorrow.

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6. Effort vs Results

As kids in Indian households- we are taught scriptures and moral stories from Bhagawad Gita as part of the stories grandma used to tell us every night. These have shown to have an impact on raising kids and defining success. The famous verse from Gita (verse 47 chapter 2) that explains how Lord Krishna taught the confused Arjuna about the right to put in efforts- but never to bask in / fret over the results. Former President and a darling of the masses- Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam reiterates the importance of effort over the end result- saying “For me, there is no such thing as a negative experience.“ It has been proven that teaching the young kids the importance of putting in efforts is way more important that attaching ourselves to the outcome, whatever it may be.

7. Authoritative vs Authoritarian

Each of our actions and our thoughts on how we model our kids and wish them to be defines our style of parenting. Based on one of the earlier studies of University of California an authoritarian parent tries to shape and control the child based on a set standard of conduct, whereas the authoritative parent tries to direct the child rationally. World over, it has been accepted that the authoritative style of parenting is the most preferred- where in the child has proper guidance and a respect for authority- but isn’t strangulated by it or conformed to a predefined set of rules.

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