Video watch: Finally someone puts an end to Judging a parent

Formula Brand Similac shows a playful video on different types of moms/parents and how the goal whichever way you go is to be a parent and take care of our kids.

Huh! Sigh. I cannot tell you how happy this video makes me. Happy because at Kidsstoppress we always believe that there is no perfect mother, no perfect child and no perfect way of parenting. We always say don’t judge because you never know what the other persons reasons or circumstances are. This huge debate about Stay at Home vs. Working mom or Breastfed vs. Bottle Fed is a debate that is a waste of everybody’s time.

Formula Brand Similac shows a playful video on different types of moms/parents and how the goal whichever way you go is to be a parent and take care of our kids.

I am sure you are going to absolutely love this video.

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