Vogue Beauty Expert | DIY Masks For Frizzy Hair & Ageing Skin

Skin & hair trouble is something most of us deal with regularly. Whether is an acne breakout or dry frizzy hair, pigmentation or premature greying, there is a reason and a solution for it all. We all want a flawless complexion, one devoid of enlarged pores and whiteheads. Dr Geetika Mittal Gupta tells us how to battle it all- from DIY hair masks to a skincare regime to how to get that porcelain glass look.

How often do you look at your skin and wonder where is the magic wand that can give you glowing flawless skin? Well! There is no magic wand and skin & hair trouble is something most of us deal with regularly. Whether its an acne breakout or dry frizzy hair, pigmentation or premature greying, there is a reason and a solution for it all. We all want a flawless complexion, one devoid of enlarged pores and whiteheads, right?

With everyone in lockdown and indoors away from the pollution, sun and grime, this is the ideal time to get your skincare routine on track. With nowhere to go, no makeup is required and that allows for your skin to breathe and regain its health. After all, your skin is the largest organ in your body. 

We spoke to Vogue Beauty Expert Dr Geetika Mittal Gupta and she spoke to us about a quarantine skincare routine, diet that we should follow, excellent DIY hair & skin masks using things we have at home to a skincare regime to how to get that porcelain glass look and excellent anti-ageing tips. 

Watch the video to know how you can keep your skin healthy and get the glow back!

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