Worrying Symptoms In The First Trimester Of Pregnancy You Must Call Your Doctor About

Experiencing the first trimester of pregnancy can be challenging, but it’s a beautiful journey. However, certain signs like bleeding, excessive vomiting, fever, discharge, and burning while urinating should prompt you to call your doctor for evaluation. Stay informed and take care!

Positive pink lines on your home pregnancy test? Has the doctor confirmed the good news? Congratulations! You are on your way to being a mom!

The first trimester is filled with coming to terms with the pregnancy itself while pregnancy hormones surge through your body being extra busy as they make another human being inside of you! The miracle of life is beautiful at the end of it, but from one woman to another, let me tell you that the first trimester is not a piece of cake for anyone.

First comes the thrill and then comes the chills. Coming to terms with the fact that you are pregnant can take a few days. Then when you do finally accept that you are growing a life inside you, comes the daily reminders in the form of nausea, then the food aversions and crazy cravings, then the fatigue, and the emotional outbursts…we could go on, but you get the general picture don’t you?

But while all those celebrate the coming of your baby, there are signs every pregnant woman must know about. These are the red flags that should have you dialling your doctor’s number. Here is a handy list.

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1. Bleeding

While a little spotting is normal and isn’t anything to worry about, please make sure to call your doctor and make a visit if you have heavy bleeding. If you notice that you are bleeding and have period-like cramps, it could be a sign of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

2. Excessive vomiting

Morning sickness is something most women go through but if you find that you are unable to keep even water or liquids down for more than 12 hours then it is a red flag. Excessive vomiting can lead to dehydration, which is fatal for a pregnant woman. Call your doctor who may advise you to be hospitalized and monitored until you feel better.

You may also like: This mom survived 7 months of morning sickness and shares her story here!

3. Fever

This could just be a sign that your body is fighting an infection it has contracted because your body is so vulnerable during pregnancy. But make sure to report this to your doctor who will want to determine the cause and take a look at any other accompanying symptoms as well.

4. Discharge and itching

While most women are shy to talk about vaginal discharge and itching even with their gynaecologists, it is important to bring this up if you suffer from it. The itching and discharge could be from an infection or an STD that your doctor needs to know about before it harms the foetus.

5. Burning while urinating

If you have noticed any burning sensation or pain while you urinate, make sure to let your doctor know. Urinary tract infections are fairly common but if left untreated it could lead to a worse infection that will affect the baby during labour.

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