75 Ways To Make Your Child Feel Loved

With these 75 sentences, you’re not merely speaking words, but doing something way more important- Making your child feel loved.

When was the last time told your kids, “I love you”? When was the last time you appreciated them? The last time you made a silly comment that made them laugh? When was the last time you listened to their side of the story instead of brushing them off? When was the last time you made your child feel loved? If it’s recent, then bravo to you! But if it was quite some time back- that’s okay! We as parents are so caught up with all our responsibilities, that sometimes we miss the little things that mean a lot to our little ones.

Why Must We Make Them Feel Loved And Reinforce It So Much?

Because it helps build emotional security in kids. Kids feel vulnerable much easier and faster and tend to get overwhelmed when they can’t handle complex emotions like sadness, void and fear.

When you keep telling them how much they mean to you or reassuring them how much you love them and how happy you are to have them, it builds “emotional security”. But most of all, it helps build trust. Trust between a child and a parent is very important for the relationship to grow stronger.

Here Are 75 Way To Make Your Child Feel Loved:

  1. You are important to me.

2. I love spending time with you.

3. You make me smile.

4. I love you no matter what.

5. I feel so lucky to be your mom/dad.

6. You are beautiful for me, inside and out.

7. I am proud of the person you are.

8. I thought of you today when… (Finish with a specific time during the day that you thought of your child.)

9. I like you.

10. You’re one of a kind.

75 Ways To Make Your Kids Feel Loved

Things you must do on your everyday life to show your kids you love them, without actually saying it!


With these 75 sentences, you’re not merely speaking words, but doing something way more important. Start this positive practice with your kids today and see the results! Get all of them in your mail today!

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