9 Ways To Use Mangoes. Try These Ridiculously Easy Recipes!

So while most of us love the ‘King of Fruits’, there are some like my son who doesn’t like eating a mango as is – in its natural form. So being the mom that I am, I have different recipes that I use ripe and raw mangoes in so that he doesn’t miss out on this summer fruit. Bookmark these recipes.

Get Your Family To Enjoy the Meals You Cook For Them – Sign up to get access to a FREE Summer Special Meal Plan, a Seasonal Grocery List & a Seasonal Recipe

Come summer, as I walk through the market the smell of mangoes just engulfs me. I instantly start thinking of how I can add mangoes to my weekly meal plan. We have so many varieties of mangoes in India to choose from – Langda, Safeda, Chausa, Daseri, Alphanso, Hapus and the list goes on. Each region has its own speciality and they each have its distinct taste.

When I talk about mangoes how can I forget the green mangoes – kaccha aam – sour and tart with a hint of sweetness.  (salivating as I type) which find its way into my kitchen in different forms too.

So while most of us love the ‘King of Fruits’, there are some like my son who doesn’t like eating a mango as is – in its natural form. So being the mom that I am, I have different recipes that I use ripe and raw mangoes in so that he doesn’t miss out on this summer fruit.

Mangoes are extremely healthy and you should make the most of it when it hits the market. Low in calories and high in fibre, mangoes are rich in B6, iron, calcium, zinc and vitamin E. But like all things, too much of anything is not good, so eat it in moderation.

Don’t forget to comment below if your family enjoyed our recipes. If you have kid-friendly recipes you make for your family, do share them with us. We would love to add them to our list. Mail it to us at contribute@kidsstoppress.com with your bio and picture and we will definitely feature you on our website.    

Every week the KSP Meal Plan comes up with yummy meal ideas, a seasonal grocery list, specially curated recipes and tried and tested tips to make eating and cooking a pleasant experience for you. If you are tired of figuring meals day in and day out then the KSP Meal Plan is what you need.

Get Your Family To Enjoy the Meals You Cook For Them – Sign up to get access to a FREE Summer Special Meal Plan, a Seasonal Grocery List & a Seasonal Recipe

So let’s start cooking!

No Churn Mango Ice Cream

no churn mango ice cream

Image Source: https://i0.wp.com/cookingdiarybyshruti.com


  • 1 cup (250 ml) Chilled Cream – Whipping or Amul Fresh Cream 
  • 1 large Mango chopped
  • 1/4 – 1/2 Cup Sugar


  • Chill the bowl, beater and cream for about 2 hours.
  • Add mangoes & sugar to a blender and puree.
  • Put chilled cream in the bowl and whip till soft peaks are formed, using a hand mixer.
  • Add the mango puree to the cream and gently fold in. Do not over-mix, or it will deflate the cream.
  • Pour into a freezer-safe dish and let it set for 6-8 hours.

Note: Don’t whip the cream too much or it may turn grainy and buttery. This should be consumed within two days or ice crystals will form. Also, the colour of your ice cream will depend on the kind of mango you buy. A deep orange mango will produce vibrant-coloured ice cream.

You could also substitute other fruits for the mango -peaches and strawberries work really well.

Mango Salsa

mango salsa


  • 4 Mangoes, Chopped
  • 1 Red Bell Pepper, Chopped
  • 3 Small Tomatoes, Chopped
  • 1 Small Red Onion, Chopped
  • 1/2 Cup Loosely Packed Cilantro Chopped
  • 1 Jalepenõ, Finely Chopped
  • Salt To Taste
  • Pepper To Taste
  • Lime Juice To Taste


  • Add the first five ingredients to a large bowl, and toss. Add jalepenõs, salt, pepper and lime juice taste. Taste and adjust. That’s it!

For more recipes using this seasonal fruit, scroll down

Mango Yoghurt Popsicle


    • 3 Cups Plain Yoghurt

    • 4-5 Ripe Mangoes – frozen (to blend plus a few chunks for garnish)

    • 1/2 Cup Sugar Or Honey


    • Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend to a smooth consistency.

    • Add mango chunks to the smoothie.

    • Pour the mixture into popsicle moulds.

    • Place the popsicle mould in the freezer for about 4 hours or until completely frozen.

Mango Lassi

Image Source: https://realfood.tesco.com


    • 2 Ripe Mangoes

    • 1 Cup Yoghurt

    • 1 tsp Honey (depending on how sweet you like your lassi)

    • Pinch of Cardamom (optional)

    • Water


    • Cut the mango into chunks and puree in a blender.

    • Add the yoghurt, honey and some water and churn in the blender again.

    • Adjust the consistency of the lassi by adding more water if you want it more diluted.

    • Pour into glasses and store them in the refrigerator for a while to enjoy a chilled glass of Mango Lassi!

Aam Ras

Image Source: http://www.spiceupthecurry.com


    • 2 Mangoes – chopped and peeled

    • Sugar to taste – it will depend on how sweet the mangoes are

    • Water/Milk

    • 1/4 tsp Dry Ginger Powder (saunth) or a pinch of Cardamom Powder or a few strands of Saffron.


    • In a blender add the mango pieces followed by saffron/cardamom powder/dry ginger powder and sugar.

    • You can add some water or milk to thin down the mixture. The consistency of the Aam Ras should be thick, not thin like a lassi/milkshake.

    • Put it in the fridge to chill. It stays in the fridge for up to a week. Serve with rotis/pooris for some great dinner table memories.

Raw Mango Rice


    • 1 Raw Kilimooku Mango, grated

    • 1 Cup White Rice

    • 2 Tbsp Gingelly Oil

    • ¼ Tsp Turmeric Powder

    • Peanuts/Groundnuts – a handful

    • 1 Sprig Curry leaves, washed

    • 1 Tsp Mustard Seeds

    • Generous pinch of Asafoetida (hing)

    • 1 Tsp Split Urad Dal

    • 2 Green Chilli, slit

    • Salt to taste


    • Cook the white rice till it is done and fluff it up. Spread it on a platter to cool. If rice is not cool enough it breaks and clumps together when added to the mango.

    • In a wok, heat the oil till it just begins to smoke. Reduce the flame, add the mustard, split dal, asafoetida, green chilli, peanuts and curry leaves.

    • Sauté till the mixture is fragrant and the peanuts are golden brown.

    • Add salt, grated mango and turmeric and sauté for a couple of minutes till the mango is soft but not mushy.

    • Mix in the cooled rice. Switch off the flame and mix well till all the mango is uniformly mixed in.

Aam Panna

Image Source: http://frommypalate.com


    • 3 Green Raw Mangoes ( kaccha aam)

    • 3/4th Cup Sugar

    • 1 Tbsp Cumin Powder (jeera powder)

    • 2 Cups Water

    • Black salt as per taste

    • Handful of Mint Leaves (Pudina Patta)


    • Wash the mangoes and pressure cook them for about 4 whistles.

    • Remove from the cooker and let it cool.  Once cooled, remove the peel and collect the pulp. Discard the skin and the hard seed.

    • Add the pulp and sugar to a pan and let it cook on flame till the sugar dissolves completely. Stir continuously.

    • Remove from fire and add roasted cumin powder, black salt and salt.

    • Let the mixture cool down properly and put it into a bottle and refrigerate. You can store it for about a week.

To make the drink: Pour 2 tbsp of the mango mixture and pour in chilled water till it’s 3/4th filled. Now add finely chopped mint and crushed ice.

Note: You can replace the sugar with jaggery (Gur).

Mango Smoothie Bowl



    • Mangoes chopped

    • Greek Yoghurt/ Hung regular yoghurt

    • Apple slices

    • Almond Granola

    • Chia Seeds


    • Puree the mangoes, Greek yoghurt, and sugar/honey together in a blender.

    • Layer with apples, granola, chia seeds and nuts.

Mango & Chocolate Dessert



    • Dark Chocolate

    • Cream

    • Mango

    • Matcha Powder

    • Piping Bags


Watch the video to learn how chocolatier Zeba Kohli makes this beautiful mango surprise.

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