Competitive Parenting

It’s good to be competitive and especially in today’s day and age where the the jungle rule applies of survival of the fittest I think its important for children to be competitive. Milestones are important for moms to judge the ability of their children but constant comparison might lead to lack of confidence in the child.

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It’s good to be competitive and especially in today’s day and age where the the jungle rule applies of survival of the fittest I think its important for children to be competitive. But being a winner always is not a quality you want to imbibe. It’s important for children to see the peak and the troughs of life and know how to deal with failure, rejection and defeat. Read our article on sharing emotions with your children here.

Most moms compare their children to others and I think that’s the first wrong step we take. Milestones are important for moms to judge the ability of their children but constant comparison might lead to lack of confidence in the child. It could also  lead to children facing excessive pressure when it performing their daily tasks, let alone taking part in special activities.

Here are a few ways to ensure you don’t be that competitive mother:

– Remember that milestone development is relative. Even Einstein couldn’t speak until he was four, so there’s no actual yardstick to measure anything!

Parenting is not a race and you dont no one will give you a trophy at the end of it. Also there is no finish line.

Don’t succumb to peer pressure. Listen to take things positively and objectively but not with lack of confidence in your child. Always consider perspectives of people who know your child well enough to make that statement.

– Be around moms who are confident themselves

In the end all I would like to say is marks, races and competitions is not the only thing you are preparing your child for. You are nurturing him to face life which will be all this and more….

 Image Source: Diana Forums
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