Best Kids’ Books On Empathy, Kindness & Gratitude

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We are living in an era where gratitude, empathy, and kindness are seen and felt more than ever before. If you have sailed through the past 2 years, there is a lot that you need to be thankful for. Yes- we have had our hardships- as parents. Freaking out seeing the news and numbers and struggling to maintain work-life and a happy front at home. 

But let’s give credit to the real party troopers. The children. 

They have had their share of tantrums but at the end of it- they have tried their best to acclimatize to a never-before-situation in ways they best know how. Let’s do our bit in helping them utilise this time for their growth. Introduce them to the world of books- there’s nothing more comforting than reading in these times! 

About this bundle: 

  • This is a curated book list of the best reads for kids that will teach them all about essential values like empathy, kindness, and gratitude through the magical world of books.
  • Each of these titles is handpicked by the editors at Kidsstoppress. So this includes a varied list of new releases, classics, and Indian and International author books. 
  • Kindness, gratitude and giving are so important for children to learn and what better time than now and what better way than books to actually teach them!

Go ahead and sign up for this course for your bookworm. Trust us- these values will come in handy during these tough times! 

Also, don’t forget to check out the year-long KSP Book Club Subscription Programme where you get weekly age-wise curated book lists, a mix of different genres for kids, tips on raising readers, conversation starters, interviews with famous authors and lots more EVERY SINGLE WEEK of the year. For just over Rs 1/day? Fabulous! Our Book Club has a mix of Indian and international authors, so your kid gets to experience and develop their scope of reading too – believe me, that’s really important!