Devdutt Pattanaik | How Mythology Can Help Kids Develop A Positive Mindset

Are we doing our bit to raise children who are empathetic and tolerant to society and at the same time optimistic of what the future holds for them? Is that even possible, amidst all the pandemic cries? Mansi Zaveri speaks to author Devdutt Pattanaik in this KSP exclusive.

The child forgets the lunch box or assignment at home. No problem. Dad makes another dashing entry to hand it over to the child at the last minute.

The child loses out in a competition. Feels dejected. Parents wax eloquent on why competition is bad, and nullify the need to participate in future ones.

The list is long. As millennial parents, we often go the extra mile to satisfy every single need of our children. Thou shan’t suffer– is the ultimate motto of the parenting fraternity, but is that harming them more than actually helping?

Mansi Zaveri of Kidsstoppress spoke to celebrated author, and mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik at the launch of his new book- Hope: Wisdom To Survive In A Hopeless World.

A book aimed at extracting the tiniest ray of hope from the world in times of gloom, despair, and uncertainty to make us feel better and in turn, raise happier and positive children. Devdutt- a bestselling author who has been pivotal in making Indian mythology relevant for our children, takes invaluable references from the epics and weaves them into today’s scenario for the reader- the parent.

Watch this video to know more on what we spoke about:

  • What we can take away from mythology- reading the lines in-between
  • How to stay positive and raise happier kids amidst all the gloom and uncertainty
  • The right way to introduce our kids to new stories= and not just read out the words from a book.
  • Why bubble-wrapping our kids isn’t actually helping them, as is believed, from the dark side of the world.
  • And lots more.

And the next time- you brand someone as “good” or “bad” or “evil” at the turn of a page in a book to your child- think again! Don’t forget to stay tuned to new videos on our Youtube Channel- @kidsstoppress and subscribe so that you don’t miss out on the updates!

Also at we have a bunch of amazing premium storytelling courses for kids- for all ages and interests. Head to this link to check them out right away!

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