Fun Fact | How Much Does The Moon Weigh?

Explore just how heavy the moon is, find out how much we weigh on the moon and learn why the moon is constantly losing weight as it moves away from the Earth. Tune in as we journey to the moon and learn all about this fascinating celestial body!

The vast expanse of the universe, with its stars, planets, and galaxies, sparks a sense of wonder and awe in children of all ages. My daughter keeps wondering as I did if the moon follows her, how big is it really and just recently she asked me “How much does it weigh?” and boy was I stumped.

Kids often have questions about the world around them, and space provides an endless source of mystery and discovery. From the phases of the moon to the possibility of life on other planets, there’s so much to explore and learn about in space.

Encouraging children to nurture their curiosity about space can help them develop a love of learning and a passion for discovery that will last a lifetime. By fostering a sense of wonder and curiosity about space, we can help kids become lifelong learners and inspire the next generation of scientists, explorers, and space enthusiasts.

But how do we fuel that curiosity?

By asking questions and sharing fun facts about the universe, kids can discover the wonders of the cosmos and develop a deeper understanding of our place in the world. It’s also important to make space education accessible and relatable to kids by connecting it to their everyday experiences and interests. And podcasts are just the way to do that!

In this episode of I Am Not Bored, we’re taking a closer look at the moon!

  • Explore just how heavy the moon is,
  • Find out how much we weigh on the moon,
  • Learn why the moon is constantly losing weight,
  • And why is it moving away from the Earth.

    Join us as we take a journey to the moon and learn all about this fascinating celestial body!

If you liked this episode, you’ll love our epsiode on Mars where we explain everything we know about he red planet!

If you wanna know which other interesting podcasts to listen to with your kids, check out our other space episodes on I Am Not Bored.

Don’t miss our new episodes every Tuesday – we share age-appropriate news snippetsfun factsjokes, and more!

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