How To Explain Periods To Your Son

I came across this video which explains everything I want to tell my son about what we as women go through every month. Watch it. It will definitely make it simpler to explain periods to your son.

Have you ever had a sanitary napkin shoved into your face and your 7-year-old son asks you, “Mama, why do you have a diaper in your cupboard?” I have! I have to say I was completely gobsmacked.

If you’re the mother of a son, you may be trying to figure out how to explain the monthly cycle each woman has to endure. All this, without horrifying your sweet little boy. I have an 11-year-old daughter and a 7-year-old son. My daughter and I had the “talk” a while ago. She’s quite sorted in her head about the basic details about her periods. She also knows she can come to me when she has any questions.

My son on the other has started asking questions – about his body, about my sanitary pads he found in my bathroom cupboard, and some other things he has seen on television. The list seems to be growing every week. I have tried to answer every question that my kids have asked me honestly. I don’t want to give them some weird examples that will either horrify them or stupefy them. If we hedge their questions, it’s going to make them more curious. Then, they’ll probably ask some older friend and get incorrect information.

I came across this video which explains everything I want to tell my son about what we as women go through every month. The way the family sits together and discusses periods or menstruation in the video does not embarrass the kids or the parents. It’s a healthy and informative watch.

Y Films-produced series Pappu and Papa began in 2016 and was an attempt by the much younger online brand of YRF film to produce a series around testing situations and how kids react to them. Looks like they have scored a real winner here!

Watch the video with your kids to make them wiser about periods and more sensitive to the women in their lives.

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