How You Can Stay Fit Pre, During & Post-Pregnancy

Tips for your come back. Version 2.0. ​​​​​​​ Keep the Queen within you shining Happier.Fitter.Stronger!

“Amma, will I ever look the same again?”


Fitness has always been a matter of discipline for me, and somewhere deep inside, as soon as I knew I was pregnant, this question crept in my mind. Who better to ask, than someone who’s “been there; done that!” 

On one hand, while my body was getting adjusted to the physical changes for the next 9 months, deep inside I was thinking a lot about myself, my fitness regime and life after pregnancy too!  

  • Am I ever going to look the same again?
  • Will my fitness endurance ever get back to what it was?
  • Are my friends and family members going to judge my now-changing body physique?
  • Will I have a relatively less painful delivery experience?

and the list is non-exhaustive.

So let me share with you, what my journey has taught me. Scroll down to read what every woman (before, during and after pregnancy) must remember about fitness.

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