Play Comes First For Kids, Are We As Parents Losing Sight Of That?

From flashcards to worksheets, to homework and assignments to crafts- there are so much we pack a day with, that sometimes, we forget the one important thing that kids need- to play! Image source: decordava.orgYou may also like: Best Indoor Play Areas In Delhi, MumbaiThe author, Erika Christakis makes a wonderful observation when she says the distinction between early education and official school seems to be disappearing. The need of the hour is not to hone their gross motor skills in playschool with crafts but to nurture them through play time, she says, calling the dichotomy of play and learning being mutually exclusive as terribly fake.

After a joyous winter vacation of good food, celebrations and travelling, the schools have reopened this week. As we find ourselves back to the grind and getting used to the mad, busy world, we hardly realise that the children have a tough time getting back to school as well. As they escalate the school order, somehow the interest and passion for school see a steep decline.

I read a recent article, about how schools are fast distancing play from learning and how it is an unwelcome move. The article features a book, The Importance of Being Little by Erika Christakis, that has a simple, yet strong request to parents of all school-going children. In the constant endeavour to raise them as strong, intelligent and worldly-wise, we are often guilty of flooding them with info. From flashcards to worksheets, to homework and assignments to crafts- there are so much we pack a day with, that sometimes, we forget the one important thing that kids need- to play!

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The author, Erika Christakis makes a wonderful observation when she says the distinction between early education and official school seems to be disappearing. Think of it, parents. What we learnt in UKG, our children are learning in play school. It might seem like an achievement or something that makes us happy, but the author says this is a threat to the society’s future. The need of the hour is not to hone their gross motor skills in playschool with crafts but to nurture them through play time, she says, calling the dichotomy of play and learning being mutually exclusive as terribly fake.

I think the No. 1 thing is that children need to feel secure in their relationships because, again, we’re social animals. And children learn through others. So I think the No. 1 thing is for kids to have a chance to play, to make friends, to learn limits, to learn to take their turn- Erika Chirtakis

This made me think again. In our pursuit to make our kids ‘smarter than the lot’ and go one step ahead- are we depriving them of their innocence and childhood? Are we robbing them of their precious time where just sitting idle or boredom can actually teach them a lot more? The pre-schooler phase is actually the most crucial one in a child’s development and engaging them in play- pretend play or games, is vital in empowering your child’s little minds.

How then as parents are we looking to provide what our kids really deserve and yearn for? Let us know in the comments below.

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Image Source: Notey

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