Posture Exercises That Can Protect Your Lungs As Well

Rounded shoulders and a forward head posture cause the muscles around the chest to tighten. That tightening limits the ability of the rib cage to expand and causes people to take more rapid, shallow breaths. Shibani Avjwa shares some yoga exercises that could help you!

The way you sit and your posture, in general, can heavily impact your health. – more than you know. There is a condition called Kyphosis. This is a condition that occurs in kids and in adults, especially given the time we are all spending on the laptop, phones or watching TV in bed. 

Rounded shoulders and a forward head posture cause the muscles around the chest to tighten. That tightening limits the ability of the rib cage to expand and causes people to take more rapid, shallow breaths.

What Is Kyphosis?

Kyphosis (pronounced: kye-FOH-sis) is a condition affecting the back. It makes the back rounded so it looks hunched over. A condition that makes one have an excessive forward curvature in the upper back and in turn makes one hunch or slouch more.

During the lockdown excessive use of gadgets and poor postural habits can make one susceptible to this situation even further creating tight chest muscles or pectorals and weak upper back muscles.

Shivani Bajwa of @indianyogishivani is a yoga expert and she has shared some exercises and explained what should be done in simple terms.  She has experienced it and wants to make sure others are able to help themselves staying quarantined and isolated.

The slouching makes one cave in and the lungs don’t get away to breathe well hence making the breathing shallow which is very detrimental at this stage where the virus attacks the lungs virulently. Watch what she has to say!

Exercise 1 – 

Excessive rounding of the upper back can make the neck and shoulders weak! Lung power has to be worked on, so get off that chair and use it for a better purpose !! Breathe smooth & consistently and deep through the nostrils and allow the posture to be held for at least 2 mins going up to 5 mins 

Exercise 2

Upper back neck shoulders deep stretch on your office chair, Keep countering that bad posture or else it can lead to chronic stiffness and pain !!

Please do try these out and keep yourself fit. If you have similar exercises or experiences that you would like to share with our readers, please write to us at

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