Review: Small Brown Box

A subscription based box delivered to you each month, designed by parents, reviewed by experts and tested by children to understand each subject topic. Contents of the Dino BoxDino Box FossilFireflyWhat we love:Open ended learning: It mirrors what life is like with no perfect or correct answers and enabling a child to believe in what he is doing and be confident of his work and trust logical thinking more than the correct answer. Rs 750 per boxYou could have wished for it to be less expensive but good things command their price and you go to give them credit for coming up with new topics, activities and quality products all packed in a box every single month.

SBB boxes low res

We all look forward to our monthly subscriptions in terms of magazines and newsletters from brands and services we like. Our children also have a reason to look forward too. In times when we need to pursue 360 degree learning approach for our kids, The Small Brown Box makes lives easier for moms who need to address each aspect of learning.

The Small Brown Box is a great way to address that innate curiosity and creativity in your child. We received two boxes, one the starter Firefly Box & the other Dino Feet & Tail one. With an all brown paper box that has its contents clearly visible and packed neatly definitely attracts the child. The clear visibility gets the child guessing and what’s the topic this month incase he can’t read the topic on the box. A subscription based box delivered to you each month, designed by parents, reviewed by experts and tested by children to understand each subject topic. The topic is different each month and the child looks forward to a new box each month. Every month you’ll receive all the materials and inspiration for at least two projects related to a theme and projects include arts and crafts, science activities, imaginative play and more.

Small brown box plants & insects sample

The box is designed to aid open ended learning

where there is no predefined goal. This gives the child the freedom to think and question the problem and come up with different but equally correct solutions, depending on the additional choices made and the emphasis placed during their solution processes. Therefore, open tasks usually have several correct answers. 

Small brown box - dino feet


Contents of the Dino Box

Dino box - fossil


Dino Box Fossil


Fire fly


What we love:

  1. Open ended learning: It mirrors what life is like with no perfect or correct answers and enabling a child to believe in what he is doing and be confident of his work and trust logical thinking more than the correct answer.
  2. Each kit tells the parents on how to use them to ensure best learning
  3. It’s an all you need kit where you don’t need to run and get the scissors, glue, coloured paper, jar, etc.
  4. There is a clear thought in developing each box
  5. Each activity has a messiness meter indicated that tells the moms what to expect after the activity is done.
  6. You can even gift it online to somebody. They take down all the details of your child to ensure its age suitable.
  7. Community Helper: Well not literally but its interesting how they want parents & kids to connect and check the creations out of their subscribers by sharing their creations on Facebook. Its a like from us

Video coming up:

Video coming up


  1. 1 month trial subscription at Rs 1150
  2. 3 month at Rs 2250 i.e. Rs 850 per box
  3. 6 months at Rs 4800 i.e. Rs 800 per box
  4. 12 months at Rs 9000 i.e. Rs 750 per box

You could have wished for it to be less expensive but good things command their price and you go to give them credit for coming up with new topics, activities and quality products all packed in a box every single month. Yes there are enough DIY craft ideas on the internet but this one actually makes you take the time out and do it. Its like joining a gym versus motivating yourself to go for a walk every morning.

So if you are ready to subscribe then hop over to their shop page here

Contact: +919833712837 or email them at . Like them on Facebook just like us here. And ofcourse if you haven’t already liked us on Facebook  then do it now, do it now, do it now. 🙂

Image Credit for TV: Jon

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