What Excuse Does Your Child Give To Avoid Reading Books?

Kids can get really creative when it comes to making up excuses to avoid a certain task. Especially- Reading! Read to know this times’ #KSPQuestionOfTheWeek.
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This is the excuse kids give when it comes to reading…

“Reading is soo boring!”

“I don’t like this book…”

“This book is soooo big.”

“The phone has videos, the book doesn’t!”

Oh, have you heard this from your kids before? That’s no surprise.

Kids’ true imagination and creativeness can be realised when they have to make up excuses to not do a certain task. Especially, when the task includes not watching any of the screens in the house. So, reading is a far-fetched expectation!

When Will My Kids Stop Making Excuses?

When efforts are taken to inculcate a reading habit in kids from childhood, excuses will be made to read books. There are so many ways you could make your kid fall in love with reading. Even though, it sounds impossible- it’s not! Giving them books that are age-appropriate, books that are illustrated, fun stories, easy words, etc will make them like reading.

You can find all this at our KSP Book Club!

And more than often, excuses are made because we don’t pitch the idea of reading in a proper way in the first place. Do you want to know the common mistakes parents make when it comes to making their children read?

This time #KSPQuestionOfTheWeek was a fun and light question. We wanted to know the many creative excuses kids come up with to avoid reading.

Here’s what parents had to say!

Classic tantrum…

Haha! Well, to gain something, we must lose something.

Now, how amazing is that? Kudos to you and your son!

How lovely! Kids do love picture books or books that have a lot of illustrations. What are your kid’s excuses? Tell us in the comments and share this article with your friends.

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