When Should You Start Giving Your Child Pocket Money?

#KSPQuestionOfTheWeek! When do you think is the right time to start giving your child pocket money? Here’s what desi parents think!
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When I was little, my pocket money used to be the change my mom got back from the shop. Rupees 10 was like a jackpot! However, times have changed now. Rupees 10 is as good as 1 rupee, you don’t get as many things as before. Also, not forgetting that kids nowadays have more wants than we ever did. So, the question arises…

When Is The Right Time To Give Our Kids Pocket Money?

Yet another tricky question with no fixed answer. I think the answer will differ from parent to parent like the many other things that do. I personally feel we must start giving them pocket money from a young age, with the goal of teaching them how to manage their finances and learn the value of money.

But are they too young for that?

Kids are smarter than we think. and they learn faster too! It’s a good way to teach them important life skills like saving, spending, counting money and spending within the means available to you. Don’t you agree?

We wanted to know your opinion and asked this question on our Instagram page.

Here’s what some parents had to say.

I think it all depends on the mindset with which you give them pocket money- to spend or to save and use only when required.

What are your thoughts on this matter? What age do you think is perfect to start giving them pocket money? Tell us in the comments below! Also, we post #KSPQuestionOfTheWeek every week on our Instagram. Follow to never miss out and do leave your opinions in the comments below.

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