What’s The Right Time To Take Medicines? An Expert Explains

Medicines are way more powerful than you think. Taking them at the wrong time can create even more complications than before. Read this to know more.

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Everything in life has the right time. There are certain things that you need to take at the right time for it to work effectively. One of those things is your medication. Many people do not realise or underrate the importance of having medicines at the right time while some are just ignorant.

Why Is It Important To Discipline Medication Timings?

Little do we realise that these are things that can affect us internally if not taken in the right fashion. For eg, if you had a headache and you “had no choice” but to pop in that painkiller because that meeting/ travel was hugely important, the painkillers are taken on an empty stomach. What you probably don’t realize is that your gastroenteritis comes from there and not from the carbs you are eating.

By the time a patient comes to the Homoeopathy practitioner, they’ve done all sorts of treatments ( including treatment from Dr Google and WhatsApp University

As a physician, I need to know what medications are being taken.
As a physician, I need to know if they are being taken correctly.
As a physician, I also need to know what can possibly go wrong if meds/ supplements are taken incorrectly.

A doctor’s job is to know WHEN NOT TO GIVE a medicine and that is only possible if we know when to give it! 🙂 ( Applies to all doctors from every system of medicine!)

Here Is A Breakdown Of When Is The Best Time To Take Certain Medicines:

Homoeopathy Medicines

There are some rules when it comes to homoeopathy

Vitamin B & B12

Avoid taking these vitamins at night

Vitamin D3

Besides getting your dose from the Sun, this vitamin needs to be taken with food


Everyone seems to be popping them all the time, but there is a time and place for them too.


The job of this is to help with the pain but it could trigger something else if taken incorrectly


This supplement is important and taking it depends on your need and how is works for you.


The timing for this could save your life.


Please check with a health practitioner before taking this medicine

Share this with everyone you know. So that they do not take their meds at the wrong time and call for unwanted stress on their body. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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