Listen To This Playlist For Everything Your Kids Need To Know About Ganpati

Listen to our radio podcasts on everyone’s favourite God and let your kids learn about the Ganpati in a fun way!

It is difficult to not get swept away by all the infectious enthusiasm that surrounds Ganesh Chaturthi. Ganpati is everyone’s favourite God. I mean, how could he not be? He rides a mouse, has an elephant head and loves modaks and laddoos! What’s not to love? 

While the whole country celebrates and brings in Lord Ganesha into their homes, let your kids not feel left out. Here is a complete guide to everything they need to know about Ganpati — stories about his wisdom and why he rides on a mouse, why we celebrate the festival, what are eco-friendly idols, and even fun facts about the elephant God! So there is no way you should miss out on this one! 

Tune in with your kids and enjoy the playlist! 

Ganpati Bappa Moraya! 

From The Birth To Visarjan: Ganpati Stories You Must Listen To!

The Lord Ganesh comes every year without fail but every year he must be returned to the sea, so he can come back the next year. Why do we do that? Why do we need to let go of him is he is so powerful? All that and more in this podcast! 

Why Is Ganpati Bappa Angry With The Moon?

There is a very popular story that says you must never look up at the moon on Ganesh Chaturthi. Aah, made you look didn’t I? But why do we say that and what’s the story behind it? This very interesting story explains! 

How did Ganpati end up with a Mouse mobile? 

If your kids have ever asked you why Ganpati rides a mouse, this is the story you need to tune in to! 

Fun Facts About The Elephant God!

From why he is worshipped before all else to how in the world he got an elephant’s head on his body — fun facts every child must know and will keep in their back pocket when they visit Ganesh pandals! 

Why Is Ganpati Known As Such A Smart God?

Why is Ganpati the lord of wisdom? Why do we invoke his name before we write our exams? Here are two stories that will prove why he is the smartest god in all the heaven! 

All about Eco Friendly Ganeshas

Everything you need to know about eco friendly Ganeshas. that we know so much about Ganpati, we also need to know why mom has bought the eco friendly Ganpati this year. Tune in to know why and also share it with a friend! 

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